hpa tank vs co2

How to read your tank information - HPA & CO2 - PbNation.
Advantages of HPA tank over co2 - TechPB Forum.
Can I put Co2 in my Hpa tank or Hpa in my Co2 tank? - Help desk.
HPA/Nitro/Compressed Air Paintball Tanks. 45ci. to 50ci. HPA Tanks. 68ci. to 72ci. HPA Tanks. 88ci. and above HPA Tanks. 3000 psi. HPA Tanks. 4500 psi.
Feb 23, 2006. Trying to understand the pros and cons of using HPA or CO2 for power.. i use co2 because i havent bought a HPA tank yet but if you have the.

Airsoft Forum > KWJ m700: Co2 vs. HPA.
Will the HPA tank last as long as the 20oz CO2 between fills? Morpheus78 is. less shots. You're looking at maybe 500 shots versus 1000+.
Nov 11, 2009. Also what is hpa? is it nitrogen? or is it just compressed air? because when i look for hpa tanks on online paintball stores all i see is co2.
The big problem is getting someone to fill an HPA tank with CO2..better off picking up a an old 5lb or 10 lb C02 tank from a flea market and do.
You're fine with C02. Piranha's can probably go off C02 no prob, but if you upgrade to a good electro gun get HPA.
Bulk CO2 vs HPA - Tippmann A5 Operator Group.
HPA vs CO2 - TechPB Forum.
hpa tank vs co2
CO2 to HPA Tank Size Comparisons - Special Ops Paintball.
hpa tank vs co2
48/3000 HPA vs 20oz CO2 Which Lasts Longer Between Fills? - PbNation.